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Beiträge: 6
Active Member
Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren

Hallo zusammen. Meine Freundin hat ein Problem. Sie ist so unsicher wegen ihrer Zähne. Sie denkt, dass es sehr spät ist, etwas mit ihnen zu machen. Bitte beratet sie, was sie dagegen tun kann.

1 Antwort
Beiträge: 11
Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 2 Jahren

Hey. Oh, having complexes is always annoying. However, it's never too late to do something about your teeth. I think I know what she can do in this situation. My sister had a very big complex about her teeth a few years ago. There were even days when she didn't like leaving the house. Once, a friend saw her tackling the situation. She advised us to go to Dr. Horvath ․ She said it was better to deal the problem rather than escape. However, we went to this doctor․ After analyzing all the problematic teeth, he gave us treatment plan, in this way also tackling with the "complexes". Now she has a beautiful smile and it is very eye-catchy. The situation helped us understand it is always better to talk to the issues and solve them. Otherwise, if you just keep their presence in your life, it kills you inside. I hope my story will be motivating and give some general understanding.
